Blog 10: 11/12-11/18 This week, I continued work on our final RPP project. Once the level layouts were complete, I moved on to populating the levels with a combination of premade tiles and artist-made assets. I haven't worked with super stylized assets like this very much, so I enjoyed getting to work within such a strict theme. Several of the levels, including the one above, changed somewhat both by necessity and for the sake of aesthetics. One thing I found difficult with such a limited set of assets was conveying the difference between the friction materials we had created within the context of the more nature-themed levels. I ended up using more winter-themed materials for the ice and summery materials for areas with more friction.In the future, I would want to put effort into defining the definitions of different materials before using them, and maybe even select assets with that intention. I also added special pickup objects: three strawberries per level and the occa...