Blog 7: 10/23-10/29
This week, I continued work on our latest RPP project. The game takes place in a suburban house, which a lizard has to run around while solving puzzles. Once we had settled on the narrative and the locations of each cutscene, which would tell the lizard's story in between puzzles, I spent time planning out the route the lizard would take and the locations of each puzzle.
Once I had created a rough outline of the house in Modeling Mode, I exported all of the walls from Unreal as an FBX and opened them in Maya. I created a cleaner model of the walls in Maya and brought them back into Unreal before beginning to populate the house.
Part of the story of our level involves a cat knocking over a variety of objects in the house after accidentally removing the lizard's tail. I started by adding upright furniture in each room, and then I went through and began adding knocked-over furniture and a variety of clutter.
I also added some simple physics to actors in the game so that the lizard could push items around inside the level.
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